ST School Pocket Money Fund

The Straits Times School Pocket Money started in 2000 as a community project initiated by The Straits Times that provides pocket money to children from low-income families to help them through school. The children can use this money for school-related expenses, such as buying a meal during recess, paying for their bus fares or using it to meet their other schooling needs. The financial help also eases the burden of the many parents, who are already struggling to feed their families on their meagre incomes.

In its first 10 years, it raised more than $44million and helped more than 85,000 cases.

As it grew in size and helped more beneficiaries, it realised it had potential to do more beyond just giving pocket money.

It was officially established as a Trust on Oct 20, 2010 with a Board of Trustees and was granted charity status on Nov 14, 2011 with Institution of A Public Character (IPC) status effective from Jan 1, 2012.

Since its inception as a community project to its transition to a full-fledged charity, The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund has been working closely with its strategic partner, the National Council of Social Service (NCSS), which disburses the pocket money to beneficiaries through its network of family service centres, special schools and children’s homes. As at Jan 2012 38 family service centres, two agencies providing single parent family services, 18 special schools/ disability VWOs, six children’s homes and the Assumption Pathway School are commissioned as disbursing agencies.

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