Recruitment Drive

I think that the process of recruiting new YEP participants is one of the toughest aspects of our project. It will determine the success of our project in both the short and long run. I always believe that it is easier to manage the proper hardware (programs and schedules) as compared to the software (right people and team bond).

Jacqueline and I plan to recruit 18 other committee members for II’13. In our team structure, there will be 5 groups – Administration+Welfare, Finance+Publicity, Fund-Raising, Programs and Logistics. We decided that the groups will be given autonomy to fulfill their roles but all major decisions will still have to go through Jacqueline and I.

We are recruiting the members from our university through the school’s online portal and also social media.
Our reason for targeting students is because it is easier to set a common meeting time and place. On top of that, we hoped that the next II project will be student led.

Before the recruitment, I had spoken to many people on how to select the “right” people (people appropriate for the role). There is always the struggle of selecting someone with experience compared to someone who is inexperienced but willing to try. In the former the person may feel jaded and the latter may feel useless. Jacqueline and I discussed and came to a compromise of having a 50:50 ratio. We hope that the experienced members can guide and inspire the inexperienced members during the project.

Our recruitment poster is as shown below:
