PHF Team Visits The Orphanages

Visiting 2 different orphanages over the past 2 days has been extremely overwhelming and has definitely made me appreciate the fact that I have been blessed with not just a loving, but also responsible  family, as well as  wonderful friends who accept me for who I am.

These children have been abandoned for many different reasons, the most common being parents who are unable to provide sufficiently for their kids. Seeing how these children yearn for love and attention can be heart-wrenching, especially when they display a look of hope that the people who visit them will take them away and provide a functional family environment.

The first orphanage that we visited yesterday was managed by a nun and consists of the younger children, one who was as young as 3-day old and had been left at the temple’s doorstep. Living environment in the premise did not seem ideal and the nun is seeking another donation of 50 million Vietnamese Dong (approximately USD2500) so that she can build another building to house more orphans. The PHF team brought Formula Milk as well as hygiene sets which consists of towels, toothbrush, toothpaste and soap for the children. At such a young age, having the right nourishing milk and a clean upkeep is essential for growth and staying healthy.  However, it takes more than just infrastructure and daily necessity for a child to grow sufficiently into a physically, mentally and morally adequate being in today’s society standards.

This morning, we visited the orphanage that houses 55 older children who are either in their primary or secondary school years. PHF team brought blankets, winter jackets and shoes to these well-behaved kids in anticipation for Christmas this year. Seeing how the children excitedly come forward to receive their gifts and carefully folding their precious new jackets made me realize how fortunate we have been and such basic necessities can also bring smiles to another person.

With that, I would like to once again thank our donors who have helped bring a smile to these children’s faces. I have faith that your generosity and kind gesture will make a difference to their lives as the care and concern we show gives them greater meaning to strive on. It is possible that one day, these children may grow up to be successful adults who will in turn pay it forward to those who are less fortunate.