Communications & Fundraising Manager of Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation Julienne Carey dropped by Project Happy Feet office to meet with Deborah, co-founder and Director of PHF, and Terence Quek, Director of Communication and Outreach. Not only did she bring with her news about BDCF based in Hanoi, Vietnam, she also brought with her ‘The Little Blue Dragon’.

“The Little Blue Dragon” is a graphic novel written and illustrated by 13-year old San Alexandre, who was born in Hanoi in 1998, where he lived. He was inspired by the work of Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation and wanted to use the book as a fund-raiser in support of the non-profit organisation’s programmes.

“All the children have the same rights and are entitled to a bright future. This is why I would like to dedicate this book to all the children of the world, especially to disadvantaged kids,” writes San Alexandre in his book, which has texts in English and Vietnamese.

Indeed, it is with the same belief that Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation has been working to help children in crisis throughout Vietnam since its inception. Founded by Michael Brosowski, who was recently appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia for his work with street kids and victims of trafficking, the Foundation has now moved into a bigger premise so it can provide a larger space as a Day Centre for street children. It continues to rescue Vietnamese children trafficked into labour and supports street children through nourishment and education.
Project Happy Feet has supported BDCF since 2009 and continues to seek ways to partner them in bringing education and training to the disadvantaged children and youths in Vietnam.
To learn more about “The Little Blue Dragon” or to support BDCF directly, please contact