Reach Out To Kids In Crisis And Make A World Of Difference

This May and June, Blue Dragon is calling for support from our friends around the world to reach Hanoi’s street kids – the homeless, the runaways, the abandoned and the orphaned.

The Need

Every night, there are over 300 children working on the streets in Hanoi – plus another 1,200 working through the day.

Most of these children have been attracted to the bright lights of the city from impoverished rural areas. But instead of finding a new start in life, they find hardship and danger.

Gangs recruit them into crime and prostitution. Police seek them out for imprisonment. Sickness and disease are rife.

But here’s the good news: Blue Dragon is working to take kids off the streets and find their way home.


At present, Blue Dragon employs one Outreach Worker who was once a street kid himself. His job is to scour the streets day and night looking for vulnerable children in need of care and protection.

Every week, we provide a helping hand to an average of 7 new children aged 10 to 16.


What needs to be done?

For every child we reach and help, there are dozens more who have nobody to care for them.

We have set ourselves the challenge of doubling the number of children we reach every week and increasing the range of services we can offer them.

To do so, we need more staff and resources; and this is how you can help…

How you can help..

Blue Dragon aims to raise $67,000 by July, so that the following may be done:

– Employ two more Outreach Workers, and retain them for at least two years;

– Double the number of children we reach each week;

– Offer increased access to psychologists and social workers for children living on the streets of Hanoi.


Write a cheque to PROJECT HAPPY FEET LTD, stating Blue Dragon Outreach at the back of your cheques. Please also provide your name, address and contact details so that we may send you a receipt.

Mail cheque to 23A Keong Saik Road Singapore 089130.