Project Happy Feet was invited by Mr David Tay, the deputy head of Community Service from Chung Cheng High School (Main) to share with his students about youth activism, as part of the school’s Service Learning Programme.
Under the student leadership programme, students have opportunities to lead, be trained, and gain exposure through various activities and initiatives such as the Service Learning Program, which was designed to develop students holistically by allowing them to take ownership of their own community involvement projects. One such example is the class-based/school-wide community projects. This allow them to acquire life skills in a more hands-on and interactive way.
Lin Kuek, volunteer and founding member of PHF, took on the invitation on behalf of PHF, and delivered a talk at an afternoon assembly on 23 May 2012.PHF volunteer Feiying was also present to support the event.
During the talk, Lin shared about Project Happy Feet and what it does, inspiring many of the students to create projects that are sustainable and beneficial to the community in the long run. During the sharing session, videos including a mortgage of Slipper Race 2011 were shown to the students. Lin engaged the students by asking questions that require them to put themselves in the ‘shoes’ of the many children who have to walk barefooted to school daily. After the talk, Project Happy Feet was presented with a token of appreciation from the school.
Project Happy Feet would like to thank David Tay and Chung Cheng High School (Main) for the opportunity to make a difference to the students.